Wow, what a last 3 days. I can share more in the future about what is going on at my school right now - but for now, I am just asking to please be in prayer for my school - the staff and the students.
So Stephanie and I had been planning to have Elena, Angie, and Lester (3 kids from the children's home that go to our school) stay after school with us and work on these research papers that are due. They needed to use the internet, so we stayed after school and let them use our internet/computers. So anyways, we worked on homework and did the research papers for a couple hours - then I kept telling them if they worked hard, I would take them to get ice cream! So, we got all finished so I headed towards the ONE fast food restaurant we have in Sigwa and took them for a treat. (Its a treat for US to get to go to wendy's too!) So we had frosty's and fries! They destroyed about 1/2 pound of ketchup between them, it was hilarious. Me and Steph had to teach them the fry into the frosty trick - delicious, a couple of them liked it, haha.

So after we finished, we got back into the car, Lester and Angie fought over who got to sit by the window so they could stick their whole heads out of it and feel the wind in their hair, haha. I totally felt like the mom when I turned around and said "Angie, you got to ride there on the way here, its Lester's turn." haha. They begged me to let them right in the back of the 4runner, not sure why when there was comfortable seats? I think they were just excited to be in a car w/out 30 other kids. As we were almost to the home, Angie asks me and Steph to sing a song - so I said, what song. She says, in her beautiful little broken english, the one about the mountains and the seas. So me and Steph start singing "over the mountains and the seas, your river runs with love for me..." and I can hear them quietly stumble over the words and try to sing along with us. So then I told them it was their turn to sing a song for me and stephanie. Angie says, "but Miss, I can't sing." Which was when I reminded her, "God could care less if you can sing beautifully, he just cares that you sing." So they start whispering, then start singing in once, again, their beautifully broken english singing voices "open the eyes of my heart lord, I want to see you, I want to see you" so then me/steph came in and we just sang worship songs the rest of the way back to the home. They kept asking me to slow down so that we could sing more and just spend a little more time one on one with them. It was precious. I am so thankful that I get to see them everyday at school, thankful for their sponsors that are supporting them to learn english and get a good education, thankful they are at a Christian school, and thankful that I can be their friend. As we were leaving Wendy's, when the car stopped, I looked in my rearview mirror and just said "You guys KNOW me and Miss Stephanie love you right?" After what happened at our school today, I would hate to miss an opportunity to tell a kid how special they are. I LOVED today, despite the tragedy surrounding us, there is rejoicing as well, to a Savior that knows all and works all together for his glory and allows us to play small, but powerful roles. I wish you could see how our students are coming together right now and just praying for each other and encouraging each other and just constantly reminding one another that God is in control. awesome.