This weekend was pretty laid back and we all decided we needed a quick change of scenery for the day, so Stephanie, Robin, Rachel, and myself took a little day trip to Lake Yojoa. It is only about a 45 minute drive. Ben/Austin rented a 4runner (we rented it last year) and we still have it for now. Trying to figure out if we can rent it from our friend Daniel for a few more months. Having a vehicle here is a HUGE thing - it is so much safer for us to travel and it is a huge convenience because we do not have to taxi or walk anywhere, which is also much safer for us. So we drove out to this great little place for lunch which has a panoramic view of the lake and the mountains and ate some delicious fish! The lake is very famous for its tilapia farms, so we just had to get the fish! The fish alone was worth the 45 minute drive, in my opinion of course! It was Robin and Rachels (new teachers) first time to the lake so they really enjoyed the trip I think!
After that, we headed over to another popular lake spot, which is like a ranch with a coffee plantation, hotel, stables, restaurant and more! I took ben/austin there when they were here as well. It has an amazing view of the lake/mountains as well. After the lake we headed back to Sigwa and all went and got a 3 dollar haircut! Luckily, we found a lady in town that lived in NY for 10 years so she speaks very good english so we were all able to "somewhat" get our hair the way we wanted it, haha. It was a great Saturday away though, always good to get out in the country and get a different perspective.
I think God reveals himself to people in different ways all the time. To me, He reveals himself in nature and music a lot of the time! So on the way driving back, we put on some good music, rolled the windows down and just took in the beauty of driving by the lake with the huge mountains in the background, just amazing. In the most random times, God sends me just a little blessing, whether it is through a great view, a favorite song, a mountain dew on sale in the market, a student giving me a hug on monday morning, or some other circumstance. But I know in all those times, he is just reconfirming his will in me being here. I just hope I am fulfilling his plan for my life and using my gifts and abilities to glorify his name and reflect his character. That is what I want...

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